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About us

Who are we?

This website was created for all the people who are interested in online dating websites and their offers, as well as in searching for a partner for a relationship online. We provide the readers of TheDatingCritic.com with detailed reviews of the top websites – or the websites that should be reviewed in our opinion. On our web-pages, you will find plenty of useful information on the services of the dating platforms, their ratings, prices, number of users, the work of the customer support, and a lot of other features that we consider to be important ones. Our team is experienced and has such professionals as top writers, SMM and SEO specialists, web-designers, sociologists, and developers who can provide us and you with the consultations and only the best content that you deserve.

How do we earn money?

This project is funded by the advertising compensation that we receive from the companies-owners of the websites that we review and promote. These payments affect we way we rate the dating sites.

We can get compensation for each user who clicks on the links to the websites that we review, and if you do want to support our project, you can follow these links and register on a website you like. It will help us to continue our activity and expand our team’s specialists to do our work even better.

The other way to earn on our activity is the monetization of traffic – the ordinary process for all the webmasters (you can find the full description of how it works on the Internet).

How does our reviewing process go?

There are a lot of steps in our reviewing process, and we will share them with you in the next section. In short, we can say that our specialists seek dating websites on the web, set up accounts on them and start using their services to understand if these websites match our understanding of how a top dating platform looks and works. We also ask the real users of those sites what they think about the services and prices to see if our unbiased opinion is really unbiased. Then we compare the dating sources with each other and share the results of our comparative analysis in the form of ratings on our site for our readers to see what site can work for them the best.)

What are our criteria?

There are a lot of dating site’s features an average user should take into consideration when picking a new website, from prices to the number of services. However, there are plenty of the other things that people usually do not pay attention to – but they actually need that attention. This is what thedatingcritic.com was created for – to show people every single detail of any dating site for them to know what to consider when choosing a web-place to seek a partner.

Here is the list of the things that we analyze in our reviews:

  1. Popularity. To see if a dating website is actually a place to choose to seek a partner because of the high number of its satisfied users, we consider the overall popularity of it. We use Similarweb and Seranking to see the real number of site visits and compare the attendance with the average rates on similar websites. Our readers will always see the latest and honest information on how users of a particular site act and understand if they are real.
  2. Users. The profiles of the users are their virtual faces. The more possibilities to show such a “face” in all its beauty and detail, the better for the members who are interested in finding a partner as soon as possible. Statistically, the most informative profiles that contain several different photos are the most attractive to the other people: everyone wants to see if someone is worth their time before the communication starts. We understand that and try to provide our readers with this information too, as well as with the overall activity and reply rates on a site.
  3. Work of the support team. The users will always ask questions, and the people who should answer all those questions are either the official representatives of a dating site or the support team (whose members are the representatives of the site too). The work of that team can tell a lot about the company and its responsibility. The faster the replies are, the more detailed and polite they are, the more attractive the image of the company-owner of the site.
  4. Trustworthiness. For our readers to see not only the opinion of our team but the opinion of the people who have been using a site for a long time, we often post the feedbacks of members of the website that we review. We search for feedback on trustpilot.com, google.com, Facebook, and lots of other services that allow discussing any websites and leave comments on their work. We do want you to see that our final thoughts coincide with the honest and reasoned reviews of the people who use the sites for achieving real goals.
  5. UI&UX. We think that attention to the design of a dating site is a sign of its trustworthiness: the more efforts the owners make, the bigger the chance that this site is great and reliable, because the big amount of money should be spent to achieve the proper look and work of a site. If people pay a lot, they will want to earn more to cover the expenses and get additional money, so they will try to make the site great in all aspects to attract more users who will bring dollars and popularity to them.

Now that you know more about TheDatingCritic, check out our texts to see what website is truly worth your attention!